Vehicle Details:
Four wheel Anti-Lock Braking System - A break in the weather. When you need to stop fast, you can't have it depend on the road and/or weather conditions. Four wheel ABS Brakes pump the brakes more quickly than a driver could, so the wheels won't lock up even if you slam on the brakes. That results in significantly reducing stopping distances and improved steering control. Get the stopping power you need with Four Wheel ABS Brakes.
4-wheel disc brakes - covered all the way around. The most basic safety feature of your vehicle is the brakes, and 4-wheel disc brakes have you covered from front to back. Instead of being located on just the front wheels, there are discs on the rear wheels as well, increasing your vehicles ability to slow down quickly without over-heating the braking system. Get stopping power that doesn’t quit with 4-wheel disc brakes.
6 airbags - Air on the safe side. Collisions are often unexpected, but you have the peace of mind of extra protection should they occur. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with 6 airbags.
Airbag occupancy sensor - people smart. Airbag occupancy sensor is a smarter way to protect your passenger. Using a sensor to determine the size and position of the passenger, it will deploy the correct airbags with the right intensity in case of a collision. Airbag occupancy sensor offers better protection to the smaller passengers and more peace of mind for you.
Analog instrumentation display -- A dashboard revolution - Get nostalgic with analog instrumentation display. We love our technology, but there's nothing quite like burying the needle. Wherever you’re going, take tradition with you with analog instrumentation display.
Fully automatic headlamp control - convenience you can see. Forgetting to turn on your lights is an easy mistake to make, but it can be a safety hazard for you and others. Forget all your worries with fully automatic headlamp control. The built-in sensor turns the headlights on or off based the level of ambient light so you don’t have to take your eyes off the road to find the controls. Plus you don't have to worry about accidentally leaving the lights on and draining your battery. Day or night, automatic headlamp control is the right amount of light.
Cancellable passenger airbag - the right protection. When it comes to safety one size doesn’t fit all, so there is cancellable passenger air bag. If your front passenger is too small for airbag inflation to be safe in a collision, simply deactivate the airbag. While it’s always safest for children to ride in the back seat, cancellable front passenger air bag puts their safety up front.
Curtain first row overhead airbags - Protection from the top down, inside and out. In the event of a collision the curtain airbags cover the windows, keeping you and your passengers in the vehicle and preventing outside glass and debris from entering. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with Curtain first row overhead airbags
Daytime Running Light (DRL) preference setting - The light choice. Daytime Running Light (DRL) preference setting allows you to turn your daytime running lights on and off at will. Turning them on will make you more visible to oncoming cars. Turning them off when you don’t need them will save wear on the bulbs. The choice is yours with daytime running light (DRL) preference setting.
Daytime running lights - Brighten your day. Daytime running lights increase your visibility to oncoming traffic and in adverse weather conditions. Because when it comes to safety, being seen makes a big difference. Stand out all the time, with daytime running lights.
Delay-off headlamps - Extra time in the light. You don’t have to stumble around in the dark after you get out, thanks to delay-off headlamps. When the vehicle is turned off the headlamps stay on so you can see where you’re going once you get out. They will then turn off automatically after a pre-set amount of time. When it comes to walking from your car at night, delay-off headlamps are a bright idea.
Convex spotter driver side door mirror - get the bigger picture. An additional mirror to the standard driver side mirror, convex spotter mirror has a domed surface for a larger field of vision. The more you can see, the better decisions you can make about whether it’s safe to back out or change lanes. See what you’ve been missing with convex spotter driver side door mirror.
Driver front impact airbag - Safer on all fronts. Driver front-impact airbag is designed to decrease the risk of serious head, chest and knee injury that can be happen when your body is thrown with force against the steering wheel or dashboard. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with driver front-impact airbag.
Height adjustable front seatbelts - A better fit where you sit. It turns out, you’re not average height, so the seatbelt likely doesn’t fit you as well as it should. With height adjustable front seatbelts, you can get it exactly right by moving the upper anchor point to the spot that’s best for you. Move it up or down to get higher levels of comfort and safety with height adjustable front seatbelts.
Halogen beam headlamps - light up the night. Halogen beam headlamps have plenty of benefits outside of giving you a clear view of the road ahead. They use heated tungsten filaments to produce light, meaning you have low replacement costs. See the light with these halogen beam headlamps.
This safety feature is more easily visible to following drivers and helps them react quicker to a slowing or stopped vehicle.
Hill hold control - Don’t go back. You know the feeling - you're stopped on a hill and you’re worried about your vehicle rolling backwards when you release the brakes. This is even more worrisome when you’re towing. With hill hold control, the vehicle automatically applies brake force to prevent itself from rolling back. So whether you’re towing a heavy load or simply stopped on a steep incline, hill hold control keeps you on the up and up.
Manual rear child safety door locks - Keep it all inside. Manual rear child safety locks help prevent a kid’s fidgets from becoming a big problem. Because if kids can touch it, they want to play with it, and that includes door handles and locks. When enabled, the safety locks stop the doors from being opened from the inside. Manual rear child safety door locks replace mistakes with peace of mind.
This headlamp layout provides improved lighting due to the dedicated task assigned to each bulb.
Ignition immobilizer - Theft is a non-starter. You can feel more secure about your vehicle being there when you come back. Ignition immobilizer is a passive security system consisting of a transmitter in the ignition key and a sensor located in the vehicle. If both are not present or do not recognize each other, the vehicle will not start. Ignition immobilizer a sure-fire way to prevent the theft of your vehicle.
Rear camera - Watching your back! The rear camera helps you see obstacles and hazards you otherwise couldn't by showing enhanced images of what is behind you. The rear camera is an extra set of eyes that's both convenient and safe.
Aero-composite headlamps - Light up the night. These durable composite headlamps use internal multi-reflectors rather than the lens to produce excellent lighting while also blending in with the aerodynamics and style of the vehicle. Plus, if a headlamp burns out you can replace just the bulb rather than the whole fixture. Aero-composite headlamps are designed to shine.
Seat mounted driver side impact airbag - Air on the safe side. With seat mounted driver side impact airbag, your vehicle has added protection in case of a side-impact collision. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with seat mounted driver side impact airbag.
Seat mounted passenger side impact airbag - Air on the safe side. With seat mounted passenger side impact airbag, your vehicle has added protection in case of a side-impact collision. When used in combination with your seatbelt, airbags greatly reduce the possibility of serious injury, compared to a vehicle without airbags. Be prepared for the worst with seat mounted passenger side impact airbag.
Electronic stability control - Helping you stay grounded. By monitoring and comparing vehicle dynamics to driver input, this system acts instantly to help control the vehicle if it loses traction. It engages the traction control and anti-lock brake systems if skidding is detected, and it may even react well before you’re aware of a loss of traction. With electronic stability control you can stay on the road ahead.
Tracker system with vehicle slowdown - Lost and found. The built-in tracker system with vehicle slowdown can pinpoint your vehicle’s location. Have peace of mind knowing your vehicle is where it's supposed to be ... or if it isn't. If your vehicle has been stolen, the slowdown feature allows police to bring it to a controlled stop remotely. The tracker system with vehicle slowdown is on the mark for reassurance.
Tire specific low air pressure warning - A heads up when you’re down. Consider tire specific low air pressure warning a performance feature. A low tire can negatively effect gas mileage and the safety of your vehicle, as well as cause costly damage to your rims. When a tire is running low, a warning light appears so you know which specific wheel it is and can attend to the problem. Get the most performance from your tires thanks to tire specific low air pressure warning.
Individual driver and front passenger seats provide generous room and comfort.
This upholstery offers an attractive combination of appearance and textures.
Driver front seat armrest - leaning towards comfort. Driver front seat armrest is perfect for those times when your hands don’t need to be at 10 and 2. Give your upper body a little more support and enjoy a more comfortable drive with driver front seat armrest.
Manual reclining driver seat - Lean back. Gain some space between you and the wheel with manual reclining driver seat. It lets you adjust the angle of the seatback for added comfort while you’re driving, or for a more comfortable rest while you’re pulled over. Settle in, with manual reclining driver seat.
An armrest can enhance occupant comfort.
Lightly tinted windows - a shade darker. Sometimes the road ahead being bright is a bad thing. Lightly tinted windows help tame the level of light entering your vehicle, meaning less eye fatigue and a more comfortable drive. Take the edge off the sunshine with lightly tinted windows.
Manual air conditioning - beat the heat. Take the edge off sweltering weather with manual climate controls. You can set the mode, temperature and speed of the fan so you can be comfortable on your drive no matter the temperature outside. Keep it cool with manual air conditioning.
Manual tilt steering wheel - Easy to fit in. The most comfortable position for your steering wheel while you drive can mean having to squeeze past it to get in and out of the vehicle. With the manual tilt steering wheel it's easy to find the perfect fit for all situations.
Manual reclining passenger seat - Lean back. Gain some space between you and the dashboard with manual reclining passenger seat. It lets you adjust the angle of the seatback for added comfort during the drive, or for a more comfortable rest during the longer treks. Settle in, with manual reclining passenger seat.
Manual air conditioning - beat the heat. Take the edge off sweltering weather with manual climate controls. You can set the mode, temperature and speed of the fan so you can be comfortable on your drive no matter the temperature outside. Keep it cool with manual air conditioning.
AC power outlet - power on the go! Some of the items you need to use throughout your day don’t come with ‘car chargers’; but with AC power outlet, that doesn’t have to stop you. You can plug them in without an adaptor, allowing you to use what you need when you need it. Thanks to AC power outlet there will never be a time when you don’t have the energy.
2 12-Volt power outlets - Take charge of your drive! Your phone is dying, you need your GPS and to top it off, the kids have more energy than their devices. You need power and fast. With the 2 12-volt power outlets, running out of power is a thing of the past.
Battery charge warning - stay in charge. Battery charge warning helps you keep your vehicle going. Your battery powers the vehicles electrical systems and if it dies, you’ll be stranded. If it is not producing enough charge, a message or specific light illuminates to let you know it’s time for more juice. You'll never be shocked by your battery dying when you have battery charge warning.
Cargo light - Light it up to load it up. Not all your errands are run in the daytime, so beat back the dark with cargo light. It provides the light you need so you can keep loading up when the sun is down. Cargo light can’t lift the cargo for you, but it can show you the way.
Cargo tie downs - strap in and go. Preventing slipping and sliding on the road is an important aspect of your vehicle; cargo tie downs afford your load the same luxury. By attaching a harness or strap to the tie downs, delicate items are safer, smaller items don’t roll around, and everything is where you left it when you arrive. No matter what you’re moving, cargo tie downs help keep it in place.
Cruise control with steering wheel mounted controls. Set it and forget it. Road trips used to be stressful, until cruise control set the pace. Simply set the desired speed using the steering wheel mounted controls and it will maintain that speed without driver intervention. This can help minimize driver fatigue and improve overall fuel economy. Resting your right foot is right at your fingertips thanks to cruise control with steering wheel mounted controls.
Day-night rear view mirror - Getting blinded by the lights can really rev you up. But with day-night rear view mirror you can reduce the glare by adjusting the angle with the flip of a switch. The day-night rear view mirror doesn't let what's behind you affect what's ahead.
Passenger door bin - storage by their side! From spare change to hair ties, a door bin is a convenient place for your passenger to put smaller items. It’s location on the interior of the door puts it all within easy reach. You can store and access it in a flash, with a passenger door bin.
This feature helps to keep the driver informed about the status of systems on the vehicle.
Driver one-touch down window - A touch is all it takes. Get the fresh-air you want with ease thanks to driver one-touch down window. One push is all you need to completely lower the window, allowing you to return your hands to the wheel quicker. Open up fast with driver one-touch down window.
A console enhances the interior appearance and can contain several useful features.
Beverage holders prevent spills and free the driver's hands, which increases safe operation of the vehicle.
Lights on warning - Don’t get left in the dark. Oh, the pain of a dead battery because you left the lights on. Lights on warning lets you know if the headlamps are still on after you’ve turned off the engine so you can turn them off, too. Lights on warning means you won’t be a drain on your battery.
Heated passenger side door mirror - See what thaws. Whether it’s the convenience of not having to stand out in the cold to scrape it off before you get going, or the safety of clearing the frost that accumulates while you drive, the heated passenger side door mirror is easy to warm up to. Get better visibility for a safer drive with your heated passenger side door mirror.
Key location warning - Saved by the bell. Key location warning helps you keep your keys with you. A message or chime will let you know if the key is still in the ignition when the engine is not running and the driver's door has been opened, or if the key is out of range of the vehicle. Knowledge is...well, you know...and you’ll always have it with key location warning.
Low fuel warning - don’t come up empty. Low fuel warning reminds you when it’s time to fill up. There’s never a good time to run out of gas so don’t play a guessing game and end up stranded. Low fuel warning helps you keep moving.
Manually folding passenger side door mirror - I fold. Fitting into a tight parking space or narrow garage is easier with manually folding passenger side door mirror. Bringing it inward gives you the extra inches of room you’re looking for. With Manually folding passenger side door mirror all you have to do is reach out to squeeze in.
Covering these areas with plastic provides a quality appearance and added durability.
Power door locks. Easy in easy out. The most convenient way to get into your car is with power door locks. One click and you can open up, sit down, and go. And when you arrive, another click keeps your car secure while you’re away. Power door locks- basic safety made easy.
Power passenger door mirror - An easy look back. Power passenger door mirror makes it easy to get the right sightlines for your drive. You don’t have to reach across, adjust, sit back and check, and adjust again. It can be moved using an electric switch so you get the view you want quickly and easily. When you have power passenger door mirror you have one touch access to what’s behind you.
Power first-row side windows - Drop the roll. Staying in shape is good, but do you really need the full arm workout of manual windows? All it takes is a push of a button with power first-row side windows. When you’re ready to get some fresh air, or have had enough of it, let your finger do all the work for you. Stop the twists and turns of trying to open a window with power first-row side windows.
Retained accessory power - It ain’t over yet. You turned off the vehicle and then realize you left the windows down. Retained accessory power lets you close up without a restart. Certain power features, like windows, sunroof, or radio, can continue to be operated for a set period of time after the engine has been turned off and before you open the door. With retained accessory power you have to energy to keep going.
Service interval indicator - right on schedule. Routine servicing of your vehicle helps extend its life and keep it running well. Reminders of when the service is needed helps keep your life running smoothly. The indicator light turns on when your vehicle needs to be taken in for routine servicing, so you don't have to worry about forgetting. Help keep your car thriving with the service interval indicator.
This design provides the choice of partial or full access to the cargo area.
Split swing-out right rear passenger door - Whole heartedly easier - Split swing-out right rear passenger door makes it a breeze to get cargo or passengers in and out. It has two separate hinged panels that open in opposite directions for a wider opening. Versatility is always on the go with you when you have split swing-out right rear passenger door.
A sun visor strip reduces glare that enters through the top portion of the windshield, which improves visibility and comfort levels.
Tailgate/rear door lock included with power doors locks - all-around security. There are no extra openings for thieves when you have a tailgate/rear door lock included with power doors locks. It treats the tailgate or rear door just like any other door, so it gets locked when the rest of them do. With tailgate/rear door lock included with power doors locks, your cargo is safe and snug.
Trip computer - Drive smarter. Know more about your journey with a trip computer. It can calculate and display things like current fuel consumption, average speed, or distance to empty. Knowledge is power, so have more of it behind the wheel with a trip computer.
A trip odometer is useful for keeping track of distance traveled during a trip or between fill-ups.
Variable instrument panel lighting - just right bright. Variable instrument panel lighting helps you see what you need to see. If the instrument panel is too bright, it can irritate your eyes and affect your vision of the road ahead. Too dark, and you can’t find what you’re looking for. You set the brightness so you always get the perfect amount of light for your eyes. Variable instrument panel lighting helps get you comfortable in the dark.
The variable intermittent setting allows the wipers to be adjusted based on the amount of moisture the vehicle is driving through.
Steel wheels are economical and provide proven durability.
Basecoat/clearcoat paint - Durable duo. Basecoat/clearcoat paint is all about keeping your color. The base layer is covered by a clear coat to help protect it against UV rays, scratches, harmful chemicals, and other elements of nature. It also adds depth and shine! The advantages are clear with basecoat/clearcoat paint.
Spare tire mounted under body with crankdown - flat out easy. When you have a spare tire mounted under body with crankdown, you get the extra space without compromising access. Because the spare is mounted underneath your vehicle you don’t lose any cargo space; additionally, the crank means you don’t have to crawl under the vehicle to access the tire. Spare tire mounted under body with crankdown keeps you off your back, and gets you back on the road.
Front license plate bracket - Idle registry. Front license plate bracket provides a place to mount the license plate to the front bumper or fascia of the vehicle.
Full-size spare tire - full speed ahead. Don’t let a flat tire stop you from getting where you need to be; get back on the road with full-size spare tire. You can drive on it longer and at higher speeds compared to a compact spare tire. Change to a different tire and keep the same size with full-size spare tire.
Galvanizing helps to inhibit corrosion and rust formation.
All-season tires offer an economical, effective choice for most driving conditions.
Rear step bumper - rise up. Rear step bumper is a step up in convenience. It is made to support the weight of a person without causing damage to the bumper all the while giving you easy access to your cargo. It’s all within reach with rear step bumper.
This helps reduce exhaust pollutants.
Audio system theft deterrent - Safe and sound. When your audio system is stolen, it often means a lot of damage to other parts of your vehicle, too. With Audio system theft deterrent, thieves know the radio won’t play a single note in the wrong hands, and therefore are less likely to take it. Keep your vehicle in one piece and stay tuned with audio system theft deterrent.
Auxiliary input jack - In tune with you. You don’t have to hope the radio is playing what you want; use Auxiliary input jack to connect to your MP3 player or phone, and hear exactly what you want to hear. Simply plug the headphone jack of your device into the outlet and your audio will play through the vehicle’s speaker system. Take your playlist anywhere with auxiliary input jack.
Variable valve timing - Change your output. There are a lot of variables in your drive, so why should your engine always operate the same? With variable valve timing, the engine is efficient at both low and high RPM’s, so you get better fuel efficiency, cleaner emissions and improved performance. Variable valve timing provides a better drive, every time.
Smooth operator. An automatic transmission eliminates the need to shift gears for smoother, more efficient driving.
All-speed traction control - From slip to grip. When you need to get moving all-speed traction control makes sure it happens, no matter the conditions. It uses the brakes and/or engine controls to slow the driving wheels until traction is restored, helping your vehicle accelerate from a stop and keep it’s footing in slippery conditions. All-speed traction control is forward progress.
The alternator maintains the battery charge and supplies electrical power for the ignition system and accessory equipment.
Aluminum construction is lightweight, providing weight savings that contribute to better handling and fuel economy.
Aluminum construction is lightweight, providing weight savings that contribute to better handling and fuel economy.
Smooth operator. An automatic transmission eliminates the need to shift gears for smoother, more efficient driving.
Battery run down protection - Protect your power. With Battery run-down protection you won’t be caught dead in an undesirable spot. It automatically turns off interior lights and accessory power after a set time or when the battery level reaches a predetermined point, preventing excessive drain on the battery. Get started every time, with battery run down protection.
An engine oil cooler contributes to operating efficiency and engine longevity.
Four channel Anti-Lock Braking System - A break in the weather. When you need to stop fast, you can't have it depend on the road and/or weather conditions. Four Channel ABS Brakes operate on each wheel individually, so the wheel won't lock up even if you slam on the brakes. That results in significantly reduced stopping distances and improved steering control. Get the stopping power you need with Four Channel ABS Brakes.
Front and rear ventilated disc brakes - increased air, reduced wear. The most basic safety feature of your vehicle is the brakes, so it makes sense you want them to perform at a high level for a long time. With front and rear ventilated disc brakes they will. Air circulates through the channels or vents for better heat dissipation, thus allowing them to last longer and perform better. Get stopping power that doesn’t quit with front and rear ventilated disc brakes.
An anti-roll bar improves vehicle stability by reducing body roll or sway, especially when turning or maneuvering. It contributes to more controlled, predictable handling than suspension designs without one.
Front coil springs - A better ride blossoms. Front coil springs help smooth out uneven driving surfaces, maintain the suspension system’s height, and keep your vehicle from sagging under added weight. This means increased comfort, precision, and capability. They also work with a variety of different suspension systems. Stay level headed under any condition with front coil springs.
A front engine location permits greater design and packaging flexibility and contributes to balanced vehicle dynamics.
Gas-pressurized shock absorbers permit a soft ride over small bumps and provide firm control over spring action for cushioning large bumps. They help keep the tire in contact with the road for maximum traction.
Hydraulic power-assisted steering - Turns out it’s easy. The term crank the wheel was obviously coined before Hydraulic power-assisted steering. Using an engine driven pump to pressurize hydraulic fluid, the system multiplies the driver’s steering input for effortless maneuverability. With hydraulic power-assisted steering there’s no cranking required.
Independent front suspension - To each their own. With the wrong suspension uneven road conditions can make it difficult to maintain traction, adversely affecting handling and steering response. By isolating each front wheel, independent front suspension allows tires to maintain contact with the road when the other hits a bump or pothole. Independent front suspension provides you better road contact for a better driving experience.
Leaf springs have a simple design that can be built to accommodate very heavy weights or dynamic loads. For heavy vehicles, they have the advantage of spreading the load widely over the vehicle's chassis.
A locking torque converter in an automatic transmission improves the vehicle's fuel economy.
A longitudinally oriented engine allows for optimal weight distribution, which contributes to neutral handling characteristics. This layout is most often found in rear-wheel drive vehicles, where the power must run from the front of the vehicle to drive the rear wheels.
At highway speeds an engine runs quieter and consumes less fuel when overdrive is engaged. Engine wear is also reduced.
Stainless steel construction is more durable in exhaust systems than other materials, which contributes to longer system life for lower overall maintenance costs.
The radiator prevents the engine from overheating.
Re-circulating ball steering effectively multiplies steering effort and helps isolate unwanted feedback of uneven road surfaces. It is more rugged than rack and pinion steering, making it desirable in applications such as heavy-duty trucks.
Leaf springs have a simple design that can be built to accommodate very heavy weights or dynamic loads. For heavy vehicles, they have the advantage of spreading the load widely over the vehicle's chassis.
Rear-wheel drive provides good front-to-rear weight balance, contributing to the excellent handling characteristics that make it the choice of driving enthusiasts and engineers designing higher performance vehicles.
Springs contribute to the vehicle's handling and braking for good active safety and driving pleasure, and keep vehicle occupants comfortable and reasonably well isolated from road noise, bumps, and vibrations. The suspension also protects the vehicle itself and any cargo or luggage from damage and wear.
A monobeam axle provides rigidity and strength. It is used by most trucks and large SUVs because it can support heavy loads.
Mode selectable transmission - geared towards you. Get the right shift points for your drive with a mode selectable transmission. Whether you’re feeling sporty or carrying a little extra weight, changing gears at the proper time greatly improves performance. Simply select the mode you want, and the automatic transmission will behave accordingly. As your mood shifts, mode selectable transmission does, too.
Sequential shift control - Take control when you want it. Sequential shift control gives you the best attributes of manual and automatic transmissions. With the option to shift manually, you’ll feel the power of the engine as you pick up speed. Or let the transmission do the work for you as you crawl through rush hour traffic. Whether you're in search of thrills or convenience, the choice is yours with sequential shift control.
The short & long arm front suspension design provides superior ride and handling characteristics. It is an independent system that allows either wheel to react to road imperfections with minimal effect on the opposite wheel. A lower component package permits a lower hood height, which allows for better outward vision and greater design possibilities.
Spark ignition provides precise engine ignition, reliability and reduced maintenance costs.
A regular ride suspension satisfies the desire of most drivers for a compliant, quiet ride.
Transmission electronic controls contribute to improved fuel efficiency, and enhance shift smoothness by reducing torque at shift points.
Smart device app link - Smartphone, meet smart car. With Smart device integration you can control specific apps on your device through your vehicle's infotainment system. This smart device app link brings together safety and convenience by making it easier to find what you're looking for so you can keep your eyes on the road.
Turn-by-turn navigation directions - A to B made easy! Whether it's an errand or a road trip, turn-by-turn navigation directions will guide you to your destination. No more bulky, impossible-to-fold maps, and no more stopping to ask for help with where you’re going. With Turn-by-turn navigation directions you always know the right way.
Vehicle integrated emergency SOS system - Help is always at hand. When an emergency occurs every second counts, which is where Integrated SOS system thrives. When it senses airbag deployment, it automatically calls for help and locates the vehicle through GPS. If you need aid for another reason, simply push a button to call an agent who can summon medical, police, or roadside assistance. You’ll never go it alone with vehicle integrated emergency SOS system.
Mobile hotspot - WiFi on the fly. Connect your devices to the Internet through your vehicle’s private mobile hotspot and take the internet wherever your journey takes you, without eating up your data allowance. Find the hotspot with mobile hotspot.